The Chatbot of the Future

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize the way companies create and distribute content. With the ability to generate high-quality content quickly and efficiently, AI can help companies save time and resources while also boosting their online presence. This article will explore how companies can use AI-generated content to improve their marketing and communication efforts.

This introduction was not written by me. It was auto-generated by OpenAI’s ChatGPT Chatbot, based on the title of this article only. It has been trained in a wide range of data, including code and documentation. To list a few of his competencies:

  • It understands basic programming concepts such as variables, loops, and functions.
  • It can provide examples of code in a variety of languages (Java, Python, JavaScript, etc.)
  • It can assist with debugging by analyzing error messages and suggesting potential solutions.
  • It can help to understand specific libraries or frameworks.
  • It can explain the usage of a specific method or function.

Its language capabilities could be used to automate or assist with certain types of tasks:

  • Writing and content generation: such as articles, reports, and social media posts.
  • Language translation: can translate text from one language to another correctly.
  • Customer service: can answer questions and can aid customers in a conversational setting. It can be trained to determine the sentiment or tone of the text and reply accordingly.
  • Summarization: automatically summarizes any kind of text.
  • Automatization: due to its programming capabilities, this Chatbot can help employees to streamline their work processes by writing scripts, plugins, and add-ons for any kind of software on demand.
  • Classification: it can classify text into different categories based on its content, for example, it can classify news articles by topic or sentiment
  • Genre: it can also generate text with specific structures, like poetry, script, song, and more.

ChatGTP is like an all-rounder text-based AI solution, but we’ll shortly see separate, more specialized AI solutions for all these tasks. At the Cecily Company, we’ve been long using Grammarly, which is also an AI-aided grammar-checking solution. In that field, it is more advanced than ChatGPT but could never write code, as ChatGPT does.

The impact of AI on Businesses

Other types of Ais can help you with other types of tasks. Through its ability to gather and analyze large amounts of data, identify patterns, and make discoveries based on that, AI can monitor and track and detect, offer faster search results, help people to communicate more effectively, predict customer behavior, and more.

It’s easy to see which jobs will be first taken by AI, like data entry, assembling, transportation, customer service, translation, legal assistance, and some types of monitoring and reporting. But who could benefit from it? First of all, the ones who understand its capabilities and limitations can speak its language. In the future, “prompt-whispering”, the skill to get the best out of the AI tool will be surely on demand. Technology-savvy people will be able to automate parts of their work processes and level up their games in their chosen fields. The same applies to companies: the ones who are willing to integrate AI solutions early on will have a competitive advantage.

AI tools like ChatGPT come with a list of warnings that should always be considered. Chat GPT itself in all its objectivity is very open about these, so I’ll just take this from it. The disadvantages of using an AI tool are:

  • Bias: AI systems can perpetuate and even amplify existing biases if they are not properly designed and tested. This can result in unfair treatment of certain groups of people.
  • Accountability: Many AI systems are “black boxes” that are difficult or impossible to understand how they arrived at a certain decision. This can make it difficult for companies to explain and justify the decisions made by their AI systems.
  • Privacy and security: AI systems can collect, store, and process large amounts of sensitive data, which can increase the risk of data breaches or unauthorized access.
  • Legal and regulatory compliance: Companies need to ensure that their use of AI complies with relevant laws and regulations, such as data protection laws and rules governing the use of data in specific industries.
  • Ethical concerns: The use of AI can raise ethical concerns like job displacement, unintentional harm, or violation of human rights. Therefore companies should make sure to have a clear policy and strategy for its usage.

Well said, Chat GPT! To summarize: AI is not here to replace people. It’s here to assist. Use its assistance wisely.

AI-generated design

By the way, the header image of this article was also not created by me, and it wasn’t purchased on any of the Stock Photo sites either. Yes, you might already guess it’s an AI-generated image. It was generated by Midjourney, an AI Image Generator.

I tried to describe our company’s logo to the AI and generate art based on that. To give an example, this was one of the prompts I’ve used: “A timeless moment of bonding between a man and his teenage daughter is captured in this black-and-white, symmetric stipple illustration. A man and a teenage girl are fishing on a bridge made of bricks. Their fishing rods point towards the middle. In the water, a ripple forms, and fishes swim around it. On two sides of the bridge, there are two trees are standing. The detail in this piece is incredible, from the bricks of the bridge to the fish in the water.

This prompt was also not fully written by me, because ChatGPT could help me out there a bit too. The prompt it has written added more detail to the result – but I still had to fine-tune it. This is true for almost everything AI does. We are still in the stage where it needs supervision, but in the right hands, it’s a very potent tool. Since Midjourney’s most advanced version can only create images in a 1:1 ratio, I had to generate and combine three of them.

What does that mean for the design word? Some designers see this as unwanted competition; others are already using it to accelerate their design processes. Some use it unethically, prompting AI to generate art in the style of other artists. Some use it ethically and create mood boards and first drafts that give clients a better overview of possible design choices. There are surely some regulations to come, but until then, it’s still the wide west of possibilities for many.

We’ll also see more and more AI-based design tools, like better WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) website builders, or completely automated ones, like Durable. There are also a variety of AI image editing tools, like ImagenAI, LuminarAI, and Lensa. AI-Generated physical art is also coming, as soon as stable solutions for collaborations appear between AI and 3D printers. Some 3D printers can already print paint to canvas in layers, so a painting generated in Midjourney could soon be hanging on your wall as an actual painting.

AI-generated designs I’ve seen were rarely perfect right out of the box. They will surely be good enough for some, and they will keep on improving. But I believe in this new coming world of AI tools there will be still room for human content creators.

AI will democratize art like never before: it will be accessible to the masses in amazing quality, and fully customized. But I don’t see this as the demise of the art world. These processes have long been there, with all the mass-produced art we consume from Ikea sculptures to Etsy prints. The art world survived the public’s general disinterest, but it changed. For pieces that make their way into modern art collections, the thinking process has been long more valued than the actual implementation. Maybe in the face of machines, we’ll value actual human experiences more.

At The Cecily Group, we are committed to excellence in service and the tools we use. We are here for you to explore cutting-edge business solutions for you and with you. We wish to help young entrepreneurs to have the best possible start with their businesses, and if you are one of them, you can read more about the Entrepreneurial Tool here.